Dr. Frank Machovec

frankmachovecThe CEC welcomed speaker Dr. Frank Machovec of Wofford University’s Department of Economics to the Summit Club on 7.15.2010. Dr. Machovec spoke to us about “An Updated Appraisal of Schumpeter’s 1942 Forecast of Capitalism’s Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts”.

Richard Ebeling

Richard Ebeling, the Shelby C. Davis
Visiting Professor in Economics at Trinity
College in Hartford, CT, and formerly the president of the Foundation for Economic Education, spoke to the CEC on November 12, 2008. His topic was “The Bailout Boondoggle: Blaming Capitalism for Government Blunders”.

Russ S. Sobel

Russ Sobel is Professor of Economics and holder of the James Clark Coffman Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies at West Virginia University. He has published numerous books and articles on economic policy, including a nationally-best-selling collegiate Principles of Economics textbook.
He visited on November 4th, 2008 and his topic was “Unleashing Capitalism”.

Matt Kibbe

Matt Kibbe, President of FreedomWorks spoke on July 1st, 2008. His topic was “The Mortgage Crisis and the Economy: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?”. FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization designed to fight for lower taxes. less government, and more economic freedom for Americans.

Dr. Bradley Thomson

C. Bradley Thomson, BB&T Research Professor at Clemson University and the Executive Director of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism, visited the CEC May 28th, 2008 to discuss his topic “Defending Businessmen and Saving America”.

Dr. Robert M. Sade, M.D.

Robert Sade, the pediatric cardiac surgeon, Professor of Surgery, and Director of the Institute of Human Values in Health Care at the Medical University of South Carolina, spoke to the CEC on February 12th, 2008. His topic was “Health Care Reform on the Nation’s Agenda: Ethical Foundations, Policy Goals, and How to Get There”.

Lazlo Birinyi

The CEC’s first speaker, Laszlo Birinyi, spoke on October 27th, 1994. At the time, Laszlo was a columnist for Forbes Magazine and a frequent guest on PBS’ weekly investment show held by Louis Rukeyser, Wall Street Week. He founded his own money management and research firm, Birinyi Associates, Inc., in 1989 of which he is currently president.  In 2004, Louis was named one of Smart Money’s “Power 30” market movers.

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