Mark Vitner, a Senior Economist at Wells Fargo, met with the CEC at the Palmetto Club on 11.13.12 to discuss his topic, “Looking Over the Fiscal Cliff into 2013”.
The CEC welcomed Dr. Bernard Weinstein, who is an economist and the Associate Director of the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University, on 8.23.12 at the Summit Club. He presented on “The New Era of U.S. Energy Abundance”.
Dr. Nick Capaldi asked, “Is America Facing Economic and Cultural Armageddeon?” at the CEC meeting at 300 Senate Street on 9.28.11. Dr. Capaldi is from Loyola University Business Ethics and serves as Director of the National Center for Business Ethics.
On 3.2.11, the CEC met at Hennessey’s Resteraunt & Lounge. Jodie Beggs, author of “Economists Do It With Models” and freelance economist out of Harvard, discussed “Behavioral Economics and the Creation of Value”
Peter Calcagno, an Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Charlston met with us at the Palmetto Club on 2.9.11 to discuss his topic: “Taking the Initiative: Public Choice Economics at the College of Charlston”
The CEC welcomed speaker Dr. Frank Machovec of Wofford University’s Department of Economics to the Summit Club on 7.15.2010. Dr. Machovec spoke to us about “An Updated Appraisal of Schumpeter’s 1942 Forecast of Capitalism’s Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts”.
Richard Ebeling, the Shelby C. Davis
Visiting Professor in Economics at Trinity
College in Hartford, CT, and formerly the president of the Foundation for Economic Education, spoke to the CEC on November 12, 2008. His topic was “The Bailout Boondoggle: Blaming Capitalism for Government Blunders”.
Russ Sobel is Professor of Economics and holder of the James Clark Coffman Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies at West Virginia University. He has published numerous books and articles on economic policy, including a nationally-best-selling collegiate Principles of Economics textbook.
He visited on November 4th, 2008 and his topic was “Unleashing Capitalism”.