Category Archives: Speaker

Dr. Alex Padilla

Dr. Alex PadillaOn 12.13.14, Dr. Alex Padilla joined the CEC at the Palmetto Club to talk about his topic, “Insider Trading, What is Seen and What is Not Seen”. Dr. Padilla is the Associate Professor of Economics at  the Metropolitan State University of Denver.

Edward Lopez

Edward LopezThe CEC got an oppurtunity to meet with Edward Lopez at the Palmetto Club on 2.6.13. Ed is an economics professor at Western Carolina University and also the president of the Public Choice Society and a regional editor for the Americas of the Journal of Entrepreneurship & Public Policy. He is a former staff economist for the U.S. Congress and the Institute for Humane Studies. His topic was, “Two Madmen, an Intellectual, and an Academic Scribbler Walk into a Bar…”

Dr. Nick Capaldi

Nick CapaldiDr. Nick Capaldi asked, “Is America Facing Economic and Cultural Armageddeon?” at the CEC meeting at 300 Senate Street on 9.28.11. Dr. Capaldi is from Loyola University Business Ethics and serves as Director of the National Center for Business Ethics.

Jodie Beggs

JodieBeggsOn 3.2.11, the CEC met at Hennessey’s Resteraunt & Lounge. Jodie Beggs, author of “Economists Do It With Models” and freelance economist out of Harvard, discussed “Behavioral Economics and the Creation of Value”