Dr. Nick Capaldi asked, “Is America Facing Economic and Cultural Armageddeon?” at the CEC meeting at 300 Senate Street on 9.28.11. Dr. Capaldi is from Loyola University Business Ethics and serves as Director of the National Center for Business Ethics.
Les and Tyler Watts spoke to the CEC at the Summit Club on 7.13.11. Their topic was, “Farm Subsidies: What Willie Nelson Doesn’t Want You To Know”.
On 3.2.11, the CEC met at Hennessey’s Resteraunt & Lounge. Jodie Beggs, author of “Economists Do It With Models” and freelance economist out of Harvard, discussed “Behavioral Economics and the Creation of Value”
Peter Calcagno, an Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Charlston met with us at the Palmetto Club on 2.9.11 to discuss his topic: “Taking the Initiative: Public Choice Economics at the College of Charlston”
Official Site of the Columbia Economics Club